Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Resolutions

"And now let us welcome the New Year. Full of things that have never been." Rainer Maria Rilke

I am no longer a fan of New Year's Resolutions; making a list of the things you're NOT going to do. We seem to set ourselves up to fail or sabotage our efforts to make the resolutions a reality.

Many years ago a dear friend of mine said "I make a list of things I AM going to do." I thought this was a fantastic positive approach to greet the New Year. Since then I've always made a list of exciting, challenging and rewarding things that I AM going to do with the year ahead.
Perhaps you want to try Abseiling at Kangaroo Cliffs, learn Spanish, make regular "date nights" with friends, or even short out that spare room (I did say "challenging").

I encourage you to make an "I AM" list of things you are going to achieve during 2010.

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