Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Time Is Precious

Time is Precious...Use It Wisely

How often do you lose track of time and somehow many of the important things you want to get done just do not get done?

Time is such a limited and valuable resource. Once lost, time can never be reclaimed. Therefore, you do need to learn to use your time wisely.
Here are a few tips on how to make more time for the important things in your life. Multi-task whenever possible. Do not put off something for later if it can be done concurrently with an activity at the present time. For example, if you need to purchase groceries at the supermarket, think of the other things you need to purchase and the other businesses in the area you need to visit. Batch tasks together so you make one trip instead of multiple ones.

  1. Pay close attention to where your time goes by keeping a log of your daily routine for several days. Do the activities you fill up your time with follow closely with your priorities and goals? Once you have a better idea of where your time goes, you can adjust it to make time for the things that are important to you. It is all a matter of making priorities and focusing on the things that are important.
  2. Do create a daily 'to do' list complete with target dates. Planning your time will help you focus on your tasks and prevent you from wasting time trying to remember what you need to do. Are you a morning person, an afternoon person or a night person? Structure your day according to your work style and when you are the most productive. That is when you want to tackle your highest priorities.
  3. Eliminate time traps, distractions and the unimportant things. They are time stealers. It is amazing to see how much time is taken watching television, Web searching or playing video games, to name a few. Set aside specific times in the day to enjoy some of your favorite activities. Take control of your time instead of letting time control you.
  4. Meetings can take up a good chunk of a person's lifetime. Whether it is a meeting at work or at school, meetings can run way over schedule. To run an efficient meeting, it is important for all meetings to have an agenda. This gives the meeting structure so that the time is well spent and the objectives are met. Designating someone as the facilitator to follow the agenda can make the difference whether the meeting runs on schedule or runs all day.
  5. Do you find it hard to say 'no' and then you over commit yourself? Learning to say 'no' is a critical part of time management. You do not have to volunteer to do something just because no one else will do it. You can decline an invitation if you do not have the time to attend. Setting boundaries and exercising your power to choose the things that are important will take you closer to meeting your goals.
  6. You may think staying up late to finish a task or to just 'relax' is saving you valuable time, but it can be self defeating. Getting a good night's sleep is important for making the most of your time awake. Being well rested will help to make you more effective by preventing errors and having to do something over, thereby saving you precious time.
  7. Get organised. Having a place for everything saves you time in having to search for something in clutter which consequently adds even more stress to your life. Taking the opportunity to get organised will save you time over the long haul to accomplish your goals. You will also eliminate the stress in trying to find something that has not been organised.
  8. Learn to delegate at home and at work. You are not going to accomplish more if you decide to do everything yourself. Have your children, spouse or co-workers assist you with some of the work. This can also go hand in hand with the need to be perfect instead of striving to merely do your best. Avoid this trap. This will eat up time that is better spent on more important things.
  9. Finally, reward your accomplishments. Celebrate the completion of your goals. The biggest reward will be decreased frustration and a sense of accomplishment when you begin to see that you are using your time wisely for the things that are important in your life. This, in turn, will increase performance levels and keep you motivated. Keep in mind that time is our lifeblood and we can reap big benefits if we use it wisely and make time for the things that are important in our lives.

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