Thursday, January 28, 2010

A-Z of Organising

Over the next few weeks are are going to share our A-Z of Organising Tips.

Today we have A - J - Enjoy!

A is for Action

B is for Books - Downsize by keeping your favourites, donate surplus to charity, local hospital, daycare centre, church, school

C is for Cupboards - a good short project, organise just one at a time, panty, linen, toys, music, don't try to do them all at once.

D is for Desk - can you see yours? Your desk should be clutter free to encourage creative and positive work outcomes.

E is for Electronics - Are you a serial collector of electronic gadgets - decide which you use and which you don't and be realistic!

F is for Furniture - think about what you have and how it could be recycled, remodelled or rejuvenated before buying more - get creative!

G is for Garage - is it a dumping ground for items you want to get rid of? Organise your garage so it protects your car, not your junk!

H is for Handbag - clear it out, pick out the used tickets, put the receipts away for filing or reconciliation (if you do it), turn it upside down and give it a good bash to get rid of all the nasties!

I is for Ideas - take a look through magazines, online or at our website to source great organising ideas and inspirations!

J is for Junk Mail - read it the day you get it, keep the specials and coupons OR put a notice on your letterbox so you don't receive it

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